NEW SKIN is a scenic production in between a concert and an installation by composer Ingvild Langgård and scenographer Signe Becker. I was brought in to work with sound spatialisation, live sound design and the design and construction of mechanical sound machines (in collaboration with Kjersti Alm Eriksen - see Building Things)
Photos by Ingrid Eggen
NEW SKIN premiered at the Ultima Festival for Contemporary Music 2017. It was also selected for the Heddadagene theatre festival in Oslo, and the 4+4 days in motion 23rd International Festival of Contemporary Art, Prague, 2018, and has performed at BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen and Atalante, Gøteborg. Upcoming shows include TOU, Stavanger 2021.

A sound installation and performance based around a circular landscape of resonating copper loudspeaker membranes and 12 sensor-activated columns of strings. Its an exploration of the materials physical properties to induce physical and meta-physical resonances both auditory and visually. The presence of the human body and its interaction with the physical installation was a vital component in this project - in the gaps between the tactile objects, bodies participate in a physical and active sonic experience.
Photos by Simen Diserud Thorquist
Resonance is a project by Gunhild Mathea Olaussen where my roles has been technological development and construction (together with Roar Sletteland and Jonas Barstein), sensordriven algorithmic composition of the installation mode and as a musician performing with the installation as an instrument together with Kristine Tjøgersen (clarinet), Jan Martin Smørdal (prepared guitar and electronics) and Magnus Myhr (dancer)
Resonance was first shown at at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter as part of the Ultima Festival in September 2019 including a series of performances where musicians played with and on the installation as an extended instrument. It has also been part of Gunhilds solo exhibition at Gallery F-15 in Moss 01.02.2020 - 15.03.2020

point-blank is a site specific performance series by Vingelklang, a sound and technology think tank and sound choreography group consisting of Amund Ulvestad (keys and electronics) and me (guitar and electronics). point-blank problematises and explore the relation between instrument and room through the development technology and techniques for choreography of sound. The unique properties of each room is the basis to provide the audience with an experience of the the room as an integral and expressive part of the performance.
The following video shows some excerpts from our second performance from Brageveien Studio in Oslo: "sound experiments for singular audience"
Vocals/office: Isabelle Wagner
Audience: Jan Wiese
Video by Kristoffer Lislegaard

Seshen X Bernt: Touch the Voice!
Touch the Voice! is an exploration of auditory and bodily interaction through voice, movement, touch and sound manipulation. The audience are welcomed into the sound space, enabling a tactile and visceral experience for both the performers and the listeners.
Seshen and I have been exploring free improvisation through live maniupulation of the human voice for the last year and a half. In 2019, we started a collaboration with Bob Pritchard and Kiran Bhumber (University of British Columbia) working with their RUBS (Responsive User Body Suite) touch based sensor suite. In November 2019 we spent a week together in Vancouver exploring gestural augmentation and new modes of interaction using both the RUBS and various machine learning techniques.
Seshen: Voice and RUBS
Bernt: Electronics
Video by Jevan Crittenden
Majka, jenta frå Verdsrommet - kjem att
Majka (lead character in a 70s kids show) returns, as promised, to earth discovering it has turned in to a dead and metallic planet. In this music theatre show for kids she befriends two kids through sound, movement, light and weird language. My roles in this production was sound design (in collaboration with Julian Skar and Amund Ulvestad), technological design and construction (including a bicycle wheel based instrument) and live sound design and performance